Thursday, May 10, 2018

Jones at the hospital..again

We may have to move back into an apartment to cover the medical bills this kiddo is accumulating. I was in the kitchen doing dishes when suddenly I heard screaming coming from the family room. I could see him and I hadn't noticed the boys being particularly crazy. Just the normal- destroy the room stuff- no front flips off the couch or anything. I walked over to Jonah (not ran cause this stuff happens about every hour at least once) and noticed he had blood coming from his nose. I figured he hit his nose and had a little bloody nose. I let him keep holding his nose while I hugged him and cleaned up around his hand and chin (there wasn't much blood coming out). After about 30 seconds I moved his hand and then I almost passed out. He had the DEEPEST gash right under his nose. I almost started crying and called my mom as I held his upper-lip together (didn't actually go through his lip, thankfully). She came and we took him to the walk-in. I was concerned about the expertise of whoever stitched him up. I really wanted a plastic surgeon to do it but they said one wouldn't do it unless it went through the lip. We ended up going to Primary Children's and they took great care of my little buddy. I thought they may take him away from me since he said over and over, "Who are you? You're not my mom!!" His new joke. I was looking pretty rough that day too so it was probably slightly believable that I was a kidnapper, but nope! Just a mom in a hand-me-down sweatshirt who makes no effort to look feminine these days. I figure I have at least six months of hair growth till I have to get ready again!

Jonah did so great. Last summer he broke his pinkie finger and McKay and I were amazed at how tough he was. Didn't even cry when they re-set it. It was the same in this case. We actually took him to Children's because I wanted people who were experienced putting kids under (in case he needed to for stitched). But all this tough boy needed was numbing creme. He just sat there and started at me while the needle went in and out of his face! He's my little superhero.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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