Sunday, September 15, 2013

Can't wait till you're here, little brother.

Last Friday, I was 35 weeks. Five more weeks to go! We spent the first half of last week playing at the park and the beach and running errands, and the last couple days just hanging out at home. Jax is has developed quite the personality over this last month. It's 75% funny and about 25% really hard. He makes funny faces, poses, says funny words, dances, and makes us laugh all the time. He also says "no" and does the exact opposite of what we say a lot of the time. Usually, it's okay. McKay and I can stay patient and consistent and under control- but there are just those moments too when we talk a little louder than we should and just need a stick him in his crib break. That happened a couple times this weekend...

These pictures are from this last week (the end, I think) on a day when we just hung out at home. We went into the bonus room, got out some toys, and I just sat on the ground by Jax and watched him play. I don't do that often enough. Usually I take his contentment as an opportunity to get things done- but this time I didn't. He probably talked the whole time and showed me lots of toys- but all I can remember thinking is that I can't wait for him to have a little brother. How much he needs a little brother. I remember when we found out we were having another boy. Of course we were so excited. Of courrrse! But also (of course) a little part of me was thinking, will I ever get a girl? Am I going to be one of those all-boy moms? But honestly, right now I am kinda hoping I am. At least for these next couple years. Jax so needs a brother. I can't wait to give him a brother. I think about my brothers and there is just something different. Something special about two boys- two brothers. It's different than sisters and it's different than a brother and a sister. It's just special. Jax loves to jump off our couch onto pillows and shoot balls in his hoop. He loves to play with his trains and run and dance to music from his toys. I can't wait for him to have a brother to do all of that with. I was watching him play alone and it was kind of sad. He was totally happy! And totally content. And he looked at me smiling as he was playing, and to him, that is normal. But I can't wait for the day that there are two. And I just want to say to Jax, just wait buddy! If you think this is fun...just wait.

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