Thursday, October 25, 2012


Dear Jax,

Today was busy. We got up this morning and went to story time at the library. There were like 26 kids there! Most of them (if not all) were older than you- but you weren't scared or nervous and you pushed your way through and got the toy you wanted after story time was over (a ball, of course.) After the library, we went to the mall to try to find you a Halloween costume. At the mall, you got another ball and we took pictures in a photo booth together for the first time. We didn't find you a costume and the whole day was just really busy. I felt bad taking you in-and-out of your car seat so much. But tonight, we ate dinner and came upstairs and played! We read some books and sang some songs. And you sang...a LOT! Your dad and I kept looking at each other and smiling. You were singing ya-ya-yaaa-ya-ya and you were pointing to your head and your feet because we were singing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." You are so so smart, and your dad and I talk about how smart you are every single day.

Tonight we were reading our scriptures on the couch and dad was reading and you kept laying your head to the side and smiling at him. He would smile back at you and you would laugh. I was sitting on the end of the couch, just watching you two laugh and play and smile and thinking that life couldn't get any better than this. How amazing it is that we can be a family forever. How grateful I am to have you and your dad- just us three (so far) together- best friends- and teammates- helping and encouraging each other through this earth life until we can be together with Heavenly Father for eternity. You make me happier than you will ever know Jax- and I smile lots and lots every day because of you.

We just put you to bed, and you laid down without even crying! I miss you already!

Love you!


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