Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today was the day that Cody entered the MTC! It was the most bittersweet experience- so hard to watch my little brother get in a car and leave for two years, but SO great think about all of the AMAZING experiences that he will have.

Dropping Cody off was the hardest thing, but I know we all felt a peace and comfort that is impossible to describe...ESPECIALLY Cody! It's an experience that I will never forget. We learned today that about 1800 boys enter the MTC every single Wednesday. It's amazing to think about how strong these incredible boys are and how excited they are to get on their missions and serve. It was so obvious that Cody was SO excited and SO ready. I look up to him a lot!

The best thing ever was being around Cody and feeling the spirit that he radiated as he was preparing to leave. It is hard to be a big sister and feeling like you want to protect your little brothers from everything that could be hard...but I know that Cody is going to be amazing! I am SO grateful to have the best little brothers in the world who will all serve the Lord. I am the luckiest big sister EVER. I am SO proud of you Cody...and so happy that I get to be your big sister!


Some funny things at the MTC...

This sign: (bullets 4&7)

Ron being jealous that he couldn't go there...

Some nice things...

Ron being so helpful to this family:

Something me and my mom are excited about: The countdown BEGINS!...

...and sending packages (mom sent him one about 30 min. after we dropped him off...he got it tonight) 


  1. CONGRATS CODY!!!!!! cute pictures ali! you look beautiful

  2. Contrats to Cody!! That is exciting that he is serving the Lord, he will be blessed with amazing experiences that will make a huge impact the rest his life. i"m sure it was super hard to say good-bye for 2 years. I don't know how I'm going to let my own two boys go. Which will be here when Cody returns. So glad you were able to see him off with your parents. We wish him best of luck!


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