Friday, July 14, 2017

The Bright Side

At the beginning of this cancer stuff I was talking to someone and they told me that unfortunately, for the rest of my life I would always be worried that any pain I felt in my body is cancer. I can totally see how that could be a natural reality, but I decided there is no way that was going to be my mine. I have been thinking about the last line of this scripture a lot- 
Doctrine & Covenants 6:21- Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the ​​​Son of God​. I am the same that came unto mine ​​​own​, and mine own received me not. I am the ​​​light​ which shineth in ​​​darkness​, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. "...The darkness comprehendeth it not." I have read that line in scripture over and over and over again and never stopped to think about it. How is it possible to have light during times of trial? It seems impossible. In fact, it can be incomprehensible. It's only through Christ that we can begin to understand how it's possible to have light, hope, faith, and even joy during the times we are tested. We are here to have joy. We are here to have trials. Joy and trials can coexist. Only through Him. I love this quote from Orson F. Whitney, and my interpretation of it is that life (including trials) should be HAPPY. And then when something is over, it's OVER. We can take what we learned and built, but leave the fear, sadness and worry behind. That goes for every kind of trial- ones that happen because of our own choices and ones that just happen. "The spirit of the gospel is optimistic." I believe that and I love it.

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