Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Husband's List

And as always, my commentary:

1. So proud of this one. I am a firm believer in not only reading to your kids, but also making sure that your kids actually see you reading- not suggesting that Jax has seen either one of us read a book while he is awake- but, you the future...ha. Also- I have heard this book is awesome.

2. Like it

3. Like it

4. Like it


5. PLEASE NO. Not that I'm not fun, not that this wouldn't be a hilarious stocking stuffer or white elephant gift, and not that it wouldn't be useful for slicing Jax's hotdogs, BUT...just no. I hate it. I even hate that picture of it up there. And I especially hate the name. I can't even imagine hang on, let me go get the dog dicer. no.

6. Please not AGAIN.

AND, In case you want to stay updated, here is 
not a joke.

He honestly just said "ohhh I am so glad you didn't put my PINTEREST on there...

...oh! but tell them that their husbands should follow me!"



  1. oh y gosh the hot dog dicer! ggrroosss!!

  2. Hahahaa that's so funny >.< hot dog dicer lol Btw, love your first explanation (to let your kid see you reading) XD


  3. Ok, that dog dicer is pretty strange, and I had no idea that it even existed!

  4. Hilarious! My husband would love the dog dicer!
    I tagged you in a holiday game just for fun if you want to check it out in my latest post :)

  5. HAHA I love the dog dicer... That is HYSTERICAL! And I love that he has a Pinterest.... Now if only I could get my husband on.... maybe following yours will make it cooler!

    It's an Easy Life

  6. No joke, your husband and my soon-to-be should be friends. This cracks me up. Caleb is always asking for the funniest things and I'm like "ew! no way!!" hahah the dog dicer? that is incredibly wrong.

  7. hahaha I have never seen a dog slicer before lol.

  8. Omg a dog slicer? Yeah, there is something definitely wrong with that name and idea...I kinda like the water color changer! I have a few white elephant parties I'm invited to so this would be a hilarious gift!

    This is so funny..the acceptables and unacceptables. My boyfriend's list is a list of unacceptables...not sure if I even want to attempt some of his things he wants. =P

    Ergo - Blog

  9. this. is. amazing :) :) thank you for sharing, that is too funny about the pinterest comment he made.

  10. hahaha the dog dicer?! awesome, and love that book idea!!

  11. a dog dicer. that's wrong on so many levels! i have a couple of male friends on pinterest and it's just weird seeing them there. too funny!

  12. Hahaha! Your husband has a Pinterest?? Nice! Tell him that if I had a husband and that same hypothetical husband had a Pinterest, I would tell him to follow McKay. :)


  13. haha what a hot dog slicer?? what the heck is that used for?? i like your unacceptable gifts made me laugh

  14. NO! The dog dicer is the worst. I feel like that would be a hilarious infomercial, though!

  15. Your blog is so cute and I love that your hubby is on pinterest!!

  16. hahaha...i've never even seen those last two! that dog dicer is something my brother would be all over though! :)

  17. I've never heard of a dog slicer.
    How funny!

    I'm your newest follower from the friendly friday hop. :)

  18. I love that McKay now has a Pinterest!!!

    That dog slicer is seriously disgusting. You're right...I can't even handle that picture :-)

  19. PS. How was I not following you before now? I just took care of that :-)

  20. I LOVE that he has pinterest!! :) My husband bugs me about being on it but I have heard him say - check Pinterest! :)

  21. Oh my goodness. This is hilarious. I bet if my husband saw that dog dicer, he would think it was amazing too. Men are so random sometimes. ;)

    Fizz and Frosting

  22. The "dog dicer" reminds me of an avocado slicer that we sell at the store where I work. It seems impractical, to me, to buy tools that are only good for one thing.

  23. LOL my BF always says he feels like one of the only guys on Pinterest. I'll send him McKay's way!

  24. the dog slicer is actually kind of awesome. haaaa. except we don't really eat that many hot dogs around here.

    your husband is funny.

  25. Hi there Ali, You have a fantastic blog! I love it!!
    And there is nothing wrong with a hotdog cutter!!! HAHAHAAhahaha... cracked me up! The things people think of eh?

  26. okay so at first when i found your blog i was like woohoo! fellow lds blogger. and then i looked closer and realized that we were in the same ward this past summer when i was visiting washington! you might not remember me haha but my husband and I were there just for the summer. you always looked so cute at church too :)
    so glad i found your blog.
    following along you and your cute family <3

  27. Oh my goodness this was too cute and funny! The dog dice- AHHH! I love that he makes a list and you comment! Also LOVE your anthro shirt from a few posts down, its gorgeous!
    Happy Friday to you!
    xo Hannah

  28. OMG your husband is hilarious!!!!!! love that he has a pinterest...i should tell my husband to follow him, seriously.. HAHA :)

  29. Dog dicer haha! Never seen that.

  30. HA HA!! He is hilarious!
    I wish my hubs would make his own pinterest... he just gets on mine and goes pin-happy. That way people think it's me instead of him :)

  31. Oh man, at least he gave you a list, you gotta give him that. I gave my hubby a really long (like silly long) list, and then just guessed for him. Such is life. :-)

  32. i like the clothing options, but the dog dicer kinda grosses me out :)

  33. The book and clothing are all really nice but the dog dicer is so funny. LOL. I love your commentary! At least he only had 2 unacceptable items on his list, that's not too bad ^-^


  34. dog dicer?! hahahah i think my niece would love that hahaha

  35. When I saw the dog dicer, I actually thought "I might be able to use that." ha! But seriously. You are hilarious! At least he HAS a list. My husband is completely useless. He asks me to put together a list for him to give out. LAME.

  36. Haha, brilliant choices...I would never know what to or what not to buy a guy...thats why I loved reading your guide.

  37. I soooooo want to get the doggie dicer as a joke now and stick in my fiance`s stocking. That's hilarious as is your commentary. :)


  38. Ha/ha! Where did you find the dog dicer?? Never heard of it before!
    Fellow Follower,


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