Friday, November 30, 2012

It's okay, I tried.

I tried on this day to do an authentic sock bun. The kind that all the fashion bloggers do that is perfect and twisted into a complete pouffy little circle on top of their heads. So there I stood- in front of my mirror with the base (a ponytail) and my bobby pins and hairspray a comb. And I tried. REALLY HARD you guys. But between the post-pregnancy grow-back hairs all over my head and my lack of skill, it just turned into an 8th-grade-lazy-bun. But despite it all, I told McKay Okay, let's go  and we walked to the little sidewalk below our house and took these pics- ugly bun and all. 

I tried this week to make dinner every night. FAILURE. Actually, just for you McKay, I will say it was an EPIC failure. (side note: there was like one week where I was trying out a new phrase- like a long time ago- because I heard someone said it and I thought to myself, that would sound so hilarious if I said that. The phrase was "epic fail." So I waited for a failure to happen, and then I dared myself to say it, and I did. It was not well-recieved. McKay looked at me and said something like, 
hahahah. Um. What?!?!?!??????? Okay, that is like the biggest nerd thing ever to say. Did you really just say that?! Seriously? Did you? Did you?!! Ali. no.
Soooooo I don't say those words anymore.)
Back to my story: Monday night I did not make dinner. Tuesday night I went to the store to get stuff for a real dinner but came back with stuff for french toast or pasta from a bag- I let McKay pick. He picked the pasta from a bag. I made that. I haven't made dinner since. What an EPIC FAIL

I tried to make 10 more headbands. I went to my grandma's house yesterday, to her huge craft room and I got in my zone. I had all my fabrics neatly-folded, I had a snack, and I had One Direction on Pandora. And I didn't make ten of them, because it took me like an hour to figure out how to make these particular fabric flowers that really are SO particular about how they are made. 


  1. You look super cute! I love how you post about real life and how sometimes things don't work out perfectly. Makes me feel better because I definitely do not make extravagant dinners or even make dinner every single day!

  2. Girlfriend, you are stunning. Like, seriously. That scarf is so cute!!

  3. I wish I could make dinner every night too! But it is just so hard with busy lives!

  4. You look beautiful!! love the scarf. :)

  5. hahaha! Did you use the sock? There is a way to do it for layered hair, I'll be posting a tutorial soon!
    I love your outfit!

    1. Oh my gosh NO I DIDN'T! Does "sock bun" always mean you have to use an actual sock? hahaha how embarrassing. I didn't even think about that! I can't wait for your tutorial!

  6. Um, can I just admit that I have had some epic failures related to dinner? I'm glad I'm not the only one ;)

  7. i can't do the sock but either. my hair is too short...
    i have just been an epic failure all week in regards to everything i had on my to do list... urgg. at least it's the weekend and next week is new!

  8. LOL don't worry I can't do a sock bun either drives me insane daytime i try literally the sock ends up in random places from being thrown lol


  9. If we're talking epic dinner fails here, I set the blender on fire making thanksgiving dinner... no joke- the blender. And I think the bun is cute :) but even more so that scarf!

  10. i think you look fab, that the pasta sounded great, and that your attention to detail is awesome for your headbands. you go, girl!

  11. Well I think your little bun is adorable! I haven't learned how to do a sock bun yet either. As for your know what they say, it's the thought that counts! Don't let those good intentions get you down! Happy Friday!

    perfectly priya

  12. sock bun. shcmock bun. who needs one anyway when you have your cute little 8th grade bun.

  13. LOL Love this. This post made me laugh so hard! You look adorable in your attempted sock bun, so it's fine! =)

  14. I cannot, for the life of me get a sock bun to work! I twist it, but then hairs poke out everywhere. It's always a mess.

  15. i say trying is more important than doing! success, after all, is not about achieving the goal, but instead about living joyfully. and you, lady, are true joy.

  16. Um, what-EVER, lady! You look fab!

  17. I need you to teach me how to be cute like that with the whole taking-a-picture-where-you're-smiling-and-still-looking-stylish thing. Love the scarf!

  18. oh my goodness u are adorable and i'm laughing so hard because i'm wondering how in the world u seem to sound like me BUT u still wind up looking wwaaaay cuter!! no joke, today i spent way too flipping long trying to do that perfect 'messy bun' thing and eventually had to settle with watever i wound up with!! lol. i knew the sock bun was way outta my league. ;)

  19. You are adorable and I do not find your bun to be an EPIC FAIL at all. Because it is cute. So there.


  20. Your hair it's to pretty to be tied up in a bun anyway hahaha ... They sell a thingy at Aldo and H&M to help you with the sock bun, I just got it and will try it today...I'll let you know if it works :)

  21. Your so pretty!! Love your blog definitely following!!

  22. very pretty with tied hair have a very pretty blog.Following you..
    Have a great day!

  23. the first time i tried to do a pretty bun it was pretty bad! then i discovered the sock bun and after that it was super easy.....try it :) also can't wait to see your new creations.

  24. You did a splendid job with the bun! It looks authentic and fashion blogger worthy! I wish I knew how to get my hair to do this -but every time I do it was an 'epic failure' lol, cool phrase. Is cooking something you enjoy or not at all?

  25. Welp, there's always next week! ;) You're "ugly bun" looks adorable!


  26. Okay girl, you are precious! I think your bun is rockin' it! I wonder which way you are trying to do the bun, I found a way easier way to do it then the first way someone showed me! haha anyways, loving your blog!

  27. P.S. GFC is being weird and it wont let me follow you :(

  28. I still love the bun, your adorable! Glad I stumbled upon your blog :) Your newest follower Ashton.

    Lot's of bloggy love from:

  29. There is never anything wrong with making pasta of any kind!

  30. I have tried SO many times to make a sock bun. Unfortunately I have very fine hair, I don't think the two mix : (

  31. you're pretty and that cute bun!
    can't wait to see your headband project!

    It’s a GIRL Thing

  32. I like your sock bun, I think it looks really cute. My hair is too long. Your scarf is great too. The colours are wonderful.

  33. sock bun, shmock bun! you look adorable every day!

  34. haha why is "epic fail" nerdy? I feel like it's just old slang now though xD I remember when everyone was saying years ago? 3? I don't remember anymore. Now I hear "FML" ...or is that old too? I'm not with the lingo anymore. hahaha
    have you heard of doing the sock bun using a sock?! you cut a hole at the top of the sock (where your toes go) and put it on your pony tail. and then you just pull your excess hair over the sock and apparently you're done. I feel like you need a lot of hair to do it though...I haven't tried yet since I actually like the lazy bun look more! I think it's cuter and more carefree. I don't like perfect buns because they remind me of ballerinas, but that's the only kind I can do. (not that I was ever a ballerina either. hahaha)


  35. Well your faux sock bun still looks adorable!
    My hair is still way too short for a sock bun.
    And, we can be 'epic fail' nerds together ;)

  36. Too funny!! Did you tease your ponytail before trying to twist it into a bun? Mine doesn't do right at all if I don't do that first... that's kind of the big step that makes it big and puffy! So if you didn't , try teasing all of the hair in your ponytail until you slightly resemble a lion and THEN wrap it into a bun! Ha I love the epic fail story and dinner... Target had California Pizza Kitchen pizzas on sale today so naturally I bought 4... Quick and easy! Hope you have a fantastic week and good luck with the bun!

    It's an Easy Life

  37. Haha oh well, failing at the sock bun just makes your bun more...original!? And hey, home cooked perfection just doesn't happen every night and that's OK :)

  38. Did you have one of those hair bun maker or a rolled up sock? Your bun still looks casual and effortless anyhow.


  39. Ahhh..I think your bun looks adorable ..and it's not so cookie cutter bloggeresqe either! :)

  40. Love your blog and I love your bun!

  41. I think your sock bun is kind of fantastic. That's basically all it 8th grade messy bun!!

    No shame in not cooking shame at all.

  42. I always have big plans to make dinner every day but it never works out, so don't feel bad! :)

    I'm obsessed with you beautiful scarf! You look great. :)


  43. i say epic fail all the time... maybe i should stop haha

  44. Girl you look so pretty! Love your bun:)! Doesn't need to be a sock's an Ali bun! Your scarf is adorable too!

  45. haha! i haven't eeeven attempted the sock bun because i'm pretty sure it would be disastrous! A for effort, though, lady!

  46. You have to be one of the cutest bloggers I've seen in awhile!
    I love your writing and all of your beautiful photos - you are insightful and just down right funny sometimes! :) so glad you came to l'esthetique because it brought me to your wonderful blog!

    And btw, I love your attempt at the sock bun, it turned out more messy bun and that totally works!

    tiana of l'esthetique


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