Wednesday, November 14, 2012

1, 2, 3 on Wednesday

Sweater: Nords; Shoes: so old, Macys; Pants: Citizens; Earrings: Jazzola

1. PMS and I should NOT be allowed to go grocery shopping together. This week, I planned my shopping list in my mind the cheapest way possible to save money for Black Friday and Thanksgiving trip expenses. I whittled everything down to only two things: green onions and parmesan cheese. What a cheap shopping trip! NOT. I spent like over $70 on mostly snacks. Ridiculous and disgusting. I talked to McKay on the phone and he cheered for what I was buying. Most of which sounds disgusting to me right now. And as I was walking down the ice cream aisle, I had a special moment with a fellow woman who was looking at ice cream too. As we both wheeled our carts from opposite ends, completely absorbed in selecting the perfect thing, we soon found ourselves trapped between an aisle display, the other's cart, and the freezer. Initially, I got annoyed. But then I thought about her, and our common (and maybe desperate) need for ice cream at that moment- and I just felt a sisterhood. A sisterhood brought together by hormones and a special understanding. So then I smiled and politely retreated. And then I snatched a Ben & Jerry's and headed to the check-out. 

2. Don't you guys loooove knowing when i'm almost on my period every month? McKay would say that it is not "ladylike." In fact, this is something we are struggling with. Throughout marriage, I have naturally gotten more comfortable- and conflictingly, McKay has gotten a lot more proper. And lately, he has been scolding me. I hate scolds. I would rather be yelled at then politely reminded to be "ladylike." So awkward. 

3. The other day while I was getting ready, McKay was standing next to me in the bathroom and we were talking about friends. We're at a weird time in our life- when we're young, but married, but immature, but we have a baby, etc. And "hanging out" is oh, don't mind my baby screaming, but also laugh at our stupid jokes, but also...wanna talk about diapers and recipes...and Real Housewives? And clothes? And sports? And health insurance?...if you know what I mean. We just feel 17 and 45. But then McKay said something true. He said "you have all your friends on your blog." and I smiled...because it's true. Seriously you guys, I need this blog. I need you. I love your input and your advice and your stories and your comments. And I am serious. And Mckay was so right. So thank you. Now lets all move to the same state. kloveyoubye.

Etsy shop is now open!


  1. Aw! My blog friends are sometimes my only friends. Which is sad, but it's not. Because I have all of these wonderful friends from all over the world, and I am lucky. :) You look beautiful!

  2. OMG I'm cracking up at your post I love reading them they always make me laugh! I love the sweater by the way!


  3. How fun would it be if we all lived in one state?! I know I'd love it!! You are beautiful dear.

    and Ben & Jerry's is definitely my saving grace when Aunt Flow comes for a visit, McKay can deal with our unlady-likeness ;)

  4. you are so funny girl! i love reading your 1,2,3 posts. pms is not one to deal with and what were you thinking going to the grocery store while PMS'ing. haha. i've done it too, and not a good idea. it's so weird how husbands tend to get more proper while we get more comfortable. ugh. it is what it is i guess. lol.

  5. I nanny for the most adorable baby girl and am pretty much going to buy every one of those headbands - I love them!

    And you are gorgeous! Your pictures are flawless =)

  6. Haha my husband constantly teases me about blog friends.

  7. You crack me up. Your Etsy shop is adorable too!

  8. haha i love the sisterhood found thru ice cream even at the supermarket! awesome.

  9. Haha so cute! I don't have a baby or a husband and I still need my blog too. It's amazing how many crazies you can find just like you in Blogland :)

    P.S. I am definitely not ladylike. I once posted about vaginas on my blog. Shh don't tell husband!

    1. hahahaha that is HILARIOUS! That seriously made me laugh out loud!

  10. Oh my god. I absolutely know what you mean about feeling 17 and 45 at the same time. (In fact, I almost said "I totes know what you mean..." but then I corrected myself because that's the 17 year old in me talks.) You just described it brilliantly.

  11. I wonder if that feeling ever goes away? Feeling like you're 17 and 45.. I always say 6 and 60, but potato, potahto, you know? LOVE your shop, it looks SO CUTE!! I shall tell all my mama friends (which isn't that many but it's something!) xo

  12. the ladylike thing made me laugh. i always leave the door open when i pee and david will walk in and be like, "oh, i'm sorry, pardon me." as though he's a total stranger and it's so rude to see me pee. i always walk in while he's peeing and start brushing my teeth or whatever and he'll be like, "BABE! i'm going to the bathroom!" and i'm all, "right. and i'm brushing me teeth. chilllll i've seen it all before, remember?" anyways, he doesn't think it's as funny as i do.

  13. hahaha love the sisterhood of the ice cream and 17 and 45.. you are funny!
    best of luck on your etsy shop...maybe one day when I have a baby girl ;)

  14. Isn't it great how many friends blogging gives you? PS, your Etsy store is adorable!

  15. Ali you make each post so special and I really love your blog for this reason :)
    I feel like I know you more as a person instead of a "blogger" if that makes any sense.

    oh and screw proper. who says talking about female biology is improper? Jax wouldn't be here without it! :)

    congrats for your new etsy store! I hope you save up fast for your camera! I'm doing the same because I either want to upgrade my current slr, or buy new lens :) :)


    1. Aww thank you so much! That is so nice. I love your blog too so much! And you are SO right about the female biology thing! haha

  16. Young *and* old is the best age to be!

  17. haha LOVE this post!!! Yes, I have felt that grocery-store-ice-cream-sisterhood bond before. And YES, I know exactly what you mean about "hanging out" being totally different now. Most of our friends aren't married, and even though we don't have a baby (yet!!!) it's still definitely different. Awwww bloggy friends are the bestttt! :)


  18. I love this post! Somehow it feels like small talk among girl friends. Hello friend in blog-world~~~ We all need ice cream and chocolates, maybe potato chips and more chocolate when it's that time of the month. Absolutely normal and perfectly legit!!


  19. you look amazing!!! that earrings caught my eyes.

  20. 1. Any kind of shopping & pms & me do not go together! I get so angry and frustrated and sulky when I can't find what I was looking for/it is sold out/it doesn't fit. Sisterhood in the ice cream aisle hahah love it.
    2. Me too! except so far Richard doesn't mind. We'll see how that goes hahah
    3. I'm the first of my friends to get married and since I graduated and they're still in school, we've really drifted apart. It's sad, and I feel alone a lot, but I've got Rich I've got my mom and now I've got my blog and it helps a lot. Can we please all move to the same state :)

  21. LOVE this! I'm young and married too, no baby but I do know it's a little different! I always love coming to read and see what you guys are up to!

    It’s An Easy Life

  22. ::hugs::
    I can't say "i completely know what you're going through" because i dont, not yet anyways. :)
    BUT you do most definitely have us!

  23. what a great blog - going to hit the follow button NOW - ok - newest follower!!!!

    GIVEAWAY going on @ my blog: ~Handmade Necklace w/ a Cause ~ it’s perfect for the holidays!

  24. congrats on your etsy shop! thats so exciting.

  25. are funny. Definitely understand feeling 17 and 45! I love blog friends too! :-)

  26. I know how you feel! (Minus the baby of course.) Me and my boyfriend have been together for three years but we're only 19... it's an awkward stage to be at! Feel like I'm 19 AND 40. xo

  27. haha, yes! I love it. I'm a little too open about my period, too, haha. I always forget that not everyone's comfortable with it? But I figure, hey, if I have to go through it, then I get to talk about it! :) and hooray for blog friends :)

  28. Ali, your blog is so refreshing! I loved the ice cream story and I am totally an oversharer too! We'll see how long Rob puts up with it. Haha. And we feel the same about our friends, we're just in a different place in life which is hard. But you definitely have blog friends to turn to! :)

  29. you're hilarious :) i totally feel like that too sometimes: how we're kind of young, but feel old sometimes (but then again, we don't have a baby). your shoes are super cute, btw :) and congrats on opening your etsy shop!!!! so beautiful, seriously!!

  30. i got stuck on real housewives because i recently started watched the NYC version. i can't believe it. and i can't look away!

  31. haha i am already obsessed with you after this post alone..i had a similar pms/grocery store episode last week! love this follower! :) xo

  32. aww that's sweet, and so true! blog world has some very special friends in it... ps your sweater looks so comfy!

  33. and wohoo i need to buy some headbands for my friends babies !

  34. Hi sweety, i love reading your tales, you're so witty! I know I need to stay away from the snack aisle too - all the time actually! You look so pretty in these images. I think that this time in your life is probably really challenging but really rewarding too. Yes, lets do all move!! have great Friday!

  35. you make me laugh. ps: the little girl headbands are so stinkin' cute!!!

  36. It's official... you're an Etsy girl!! :)

    And don't you just love being stuck somewhere between 17 and 45??!! ;)

  37. Awww, I love number three so much, that sounds just like us. We're both really immature but really old at heart, so we're just some bizarre mashup of laughing at jokes that only 7th grade boys find funny and talking about those darn teenagers and their technology. You are too awesome for this post. :)

  38. You are too cute! And completely hilarious. I'm glad I found your blog. Love the ice cream story. I can't say that hasn't almost happened to me--ice cream is one of my major food groups.

  39. Number 3. Spot on. It's such a weird time...trying to figure out how to have/maintain friends while having a kiddo and being a confusing! Love your blog, girly!

  40. totalllllly relate on number 3. So weird.
    Sorry about your PMS- totally sucks. I feel like pregnancy is nine long months of PMS (midnight runs for shakes happened this weekend, and don't even get me started on the hormonal crying!), so I'm in the same boat! Sort of. Minus the actual menstrual cycle.

  41. Ok, so I love this post... and number two, because it's hilarious, and exactly my relationship.


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