Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1, 2, 3 The LONG Edition

1. McKay and I had to have a little chat about dramatizing headaches. The other night, he had a headache at 1:30am and you would think he was literally birthing an elephant. He paced and whined and moaned and I asked if we needed to get in the car and go to the ER...twice. It was bad. He declined and agreed to go upstairs, lay in our bed next to me and calm down. After that, he fell asleep and so did I. And yesterday we had a special talk about me "believing him" when he is in pain and him not "scaring our kids" in the future with his dramatics. We both have things to work on. This is a quote: "The only reason why I act like that is so you'll know how much pain I'm in." Men.

2. On Saturday, I just needed a break- and McKay was so sweet and let me go to the mall and walk around alone. I don't know why, but I love doing that. I called him lots of times and told him that I still wasn't feeling good (I started feeling sick Friday night). Then he said, "Why don't you go to Nordstroms and get one of those orange drinks you like?":) :) :) So I did. The drink was good. The Nordstroms was a mistake. Half Yearly Sale.
I went upstairs and walked around and the sales people were SO helpful and encouraging. It's probably better for me when they are not encouraging. I tried on some things and found some shirts that were UNDER $10. And then I sat in the dressing room on the tiny seat and texted Mckay:

Me: Guilt
Me: I don't know what to do.
McKay: Clothes?
Me: Yes. Why did you suggest this place. Why.

And then my husband tried to un-guiltify me for the rest of the night. And when I got home I hugged him over and over again because I am so grateful to have a husband who just gets it. Who gets me. and knows that sometimes a girl just needs to go to the mall and get something new. And it's dumb and it's superficial, but it's needed sometimes. And he gets it.

3. I have been having extreme moments with Jax. Moments that are extremely sweet and moments that are extremely hard. I think he is getting more teeth. Yesterday he was crying almost every minute his feet touched the ground. He wanted to be held, and cuddled- and sometimes just wanted to cry while being cuddled. I brought him in the shower with me and he slipped- so I picked him up and cuddled him for a long time and he fell asleep on my shoulder. And then we got out of the shower and cuddled on the couch. And he fell asleep again. And I decided to just let him sleep right on my chest- because what in the world is better than that? 

4. McKay and I went to a Sounder's game on Friday. During the game, a Sounders guy kicked the Salt Lake goalie in the face. The goalie was bleeding and sad and writhing in pain on the field. There was no sympathy from Seattle. The Sounders fans BOO'ED him...forever. And every time the camera would get a shot at him, they would boo some more. So sad. I leaned over to McKay and told him that I wondered if players who were boo'ed that much would go home and be sad. 
The game was over and we were driving out of the parking garage. A car in front of us was pulling out and was about three inches away from back-ending a parked car. Being the helpful person that he is, McKay nicely beeped the horn, just to warn her. She and her passenger got SO MAD at us, and the passenger flipped us off our entire drive out of the garage. She even DOUBLE flipped us off...so I guess that means she was really mad. I might have leaned over and given the horn a little blast to inspire that double. 
So then, we got to the first intersection and there was a cop there directing traffic. He yelled at the car next to us, which warned us that he was angry. The light was green, but he still wanted us to stop because cars were moving slow. The cars started moving and McKay started going and the cop flipped. AAAAHHHH!!!!!!WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGGGG?!?!?!?!! CAN'T YOU SEE??!?!?!?!?!?! BACK UP BEHIND THE CROSSWALK!!!!! NOW!!!! AS;DKFHJAS;KFHJALSNKFJH!!!!
Then all the fans walking on the sidewalk cheered (for the cop) and one lady said "You tell em'!"
It was so mean.
And then I knew what that poor goalie felt like.
And THEN I became a Salt Lake fan.

*McKay would like me to add that he actually mouthed-off to the cop as we were driving away. The light was green and there was finally room and McKay said "Can I go now?" In a sarcastic tone.
Good job, babe.


  1. 1. your comment on birthing the elephant. hilarious. i lol'd. men are so funny. my hubs is so dramatic as well.
    2. sorry about your little guy. teething can be hard. (hugs momma) hope he feels better soon.
    3. people are so mean! i can't believe that happened, and that cop - give me a break. was that really necessary. my goodness, that was a tough night!

  2. Walker has been doing the same thing. He just wants to be held and wants me in his sight at all times. How old is Jax?

    I LOVE walking around the mall by myself...best present ever.

    Looveeee your description of him in so much pain. There is the cartoon I love and it has a woman with a cold and she's vacuuming and working out and doing all sorts of things, and then it shows a man with a cold laying in bed with medicine a heating pad and all sorts of other dramatics. It's so true!!

  3. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I too need to go walk around and maybe buy something new... I hope my husband understands that sooner than later ;) You husband sounds like an awesome guy.

  4. I honestly don't know why people take honking so seriously that they feel the need to flip the bird over and over and over at you. I HATE that. And then pedestrians seriously?! If I am stopped in the crosswalk, there is a legitimate REASON for that so get over yourself: you don't have to give me a dirty look as you walk safely around or bang on the hood. Seriously.
    haaa oh gee, when I'm sick, I'm the dramatic, whiny baby and Rich is the tough guy haha

  5. Such a nice cardigan!
    And your blog is so nice and cute! :)

  6. i think all men are DRAMA QUEENS when they're sick. every last one of them.

  7. I agree with L above, my fiance turns into a toddler when hes sick. I love how your hubby understands about shopping and how sometimes, we just "need" it! and i like how he "mouthed off" to the cop ;) love your sweater!

    C's Evolution of Style

  8. love the sweater! lol men are babies!



  9. you are seriously such a funny, clever writer, ali. you'll need to write a book someday. and #2 is just so, so true. sometimes it's exactly what you need…and it's also when you're bound to find a million things to bring home. but that's ok now & then. : )

  10. LOL..Love the red lip and sweater! And I so feel yah on #1 and 2.. I always tell my fiance you are the boy that cried wolf..what is going to happen when you really are ill?! Men.. this is why the women give birth!

  11. I could watch around the mall for hours aimlessly so I totally know what you mean, but you're totally right. it almost always end up in guilt!! & that headache story is priceless. Did he forget you get birth? Pretty sure thats the ultimate pain lol

    xo Jackie

  12. "can i go now" hahahahah man, some people are just straight up RUDE.
    I'm telling you the small amount of time it takes for a person to snap in our world now is TERRIFYING!

  13. I looove the combo of prints! and it's so nice that your hubbie gets us ladies :)

  14. Love your style, my dear! Awesome post!!!




  15. I absolutely love your outfit!

    xo Alysa

  16. Hi dear, thanks for stopping by...your mix of prints looks exceptional, i also like mall-trawling alone, you find better treasures that way!

  17. Awww rough day!!! I HATE rude drivers!!! Dont' blame you for being a Salt Lake fan now! And I love that he GETS you. I love that entire paragraph about being in the dressing room, and feeling guilty, and that sometimes a girl needs to get something new, and that he gets it. We're lucky to have men that truly get us! :)


  18. aaawwww love that your hubby gets it! yay for lots of cuddling!
    love this post!

  19. Your husband is really sweet. It's so amazing that he is so understanding. I love your sweater~~


  20. I love the outfit!
    Nice blog!
    Do you want to follow each other?
    If so, follow me and I will follow you back for sure!


  21. such a sweet outfit and you have a really pretty face.
    btw, you 3 are such a sweet little family <3

    want to follow each other? i will defiently follow back

    my blog:

  22. i have that GUILTY feeling every time i look at clothes too. and it's so sad when you find something PERFECT and have to be responsible and walk away from it!

  23. OMG thats such a gorgeous sweater. I love this post, I think we're all guilty of this!!


  24. You look gorg with the lipstick! McKay is a star for knowing exactly what you need...sounds like a champ.

    I have totally done the exact same thing at Baseball games! It makes me so sad when fans are so so SO mean to players, like, doesn't that make them sad? It almost makes me cry.

    Haha proud of McKay for his sarcastic comment too. I always love reading your little anecdotes!

    perfectly priya

  25. Hello Dear! I like your blog so much! Would you like to follow each other?

  26. This is a quote: "The only reason why I act like that is so you'll know how much pain I'm in." Men. hahahah oh my gosh can you imagine if us women did that every time we were in pain?!!


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