Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1, 2, 3

1. Can I just have a breakkk? That is how I feel today. These 1, 2, 3 days are for honesty and feelings and that kinda stuff and you know, today I am just really feeling like I need a day offff. I am tired. I want my house to be clean. I want dinner to be cooked. I want nothing in the world to do for three whole hours. I want to take a nap. I know mothers of four are rolling their eyes and shaking their heads at this right now, but seriously...a;lsjr klsjdakjf

2. There's this chair. And I want it. But it's expensive. And it's one of those things that has been stalking my mind for like eight months. And there's a spot in my family room perfect for it. Like really really perfect. It's not only empty, but even has some paint drippings that need to be covered up. Jax and I wandered through the store last week and saw two grandmotherly ladies looking at the chair. I kind of lingered and listened.When they left, the sales lady came up to me and said that she would give me a discount because she knows I have been looking at it. That was smart of her. And now I am in a predicament. 

3. There's this BABY. And he is almost 15 whole months. Today at Winco (PS I actually bought you the Langers juice, McKay. You're welcome) I kept reminding Jax to sit on your bottom, at which he just laughed and leaned back even further. Then, it started to get a little tense, because a lady pointed her finger at him and looked at me, as if to say "your child is standing" so then I thought okay, people are watching, he's going to fall, and I made him sit. Then he screamed- so I gave him a chocolate. Then he stood up again, but this time he just leaned towards me and laid his head on my shoulder- still standing in the cart. And of course, then I let him do it. 


  1. Is that hat from Gap? I I love it! & how much is the chair?

  2. you should get the chair. you sound like you're in love with it! Think of it as a puppy. it needs a home ;)


  3. i once bought a pink chair. it is the most perfect and adorable chair. and when i brought it home, my husband was all "OH NO YOU DIDN'T!" because, well, it's pink. now he sits in that chair faithfully every single morning to put his socks on. and so i said to him, "can you even IMAGINE what your life would be like without that chair?!"

    i feel like you need the chair. it will be a purchase you shan't regret.

  4. If she's giving you a discount, then I feel like it's meant to be!! I'm sure it'll be worth it. A good chair is a GOOD chair. Maybe you can make it your christmas/birthday present (I used to do that all the time when I was little, try and combine those two for a giant present!). I'm sorry you're feeling loaded down and I definitely feel for ya! Luckily we have our fall break this Friday! I hope you're able to get a break real soon, maybe like Jax takes a 3 hour nap and you can just relax?

    perfectly priya

  5. I'm sure you will get that chair,...and then take a picture and write a post so we all can meet your chair :)

  6. thank you for your great comment on my blog, i'm so glad you found me! just loving yours, what a sweet family you have :) xo

  7. I hope you end up getting that chair. It sounds like something that you really connected with. Christmas is just around the corner right? You should get it as a little treat for yourself!


  8. oh man, that sales lady TOTALLY one'uped you...what are you going to do?!
    :) You should totally take a picture and post it...because now i'm curious!
    Children will be children...i dont have any of my own but when i watch my little cousins i keep thinking "well dang, if mothers have to put up with this 24/7 its no wonder they get frustrated!" So no worries dear, just stay strong, get rest (when available), and continue to push forward everyone has off days!

  9. Such a lovely post, absolutely love your hat!

  10. i want to see this chair!
    also, i think it's so rude when strangers butt into situations and make known their evaluations like that. yikes! i'm glad you laugh it off -- good for you! not that that was particularly intense, but i can imagine that sort of thing might ruin my day -- i'm so, so sensitive.

  11. I need a day off and I don't even have a baby so I completely understand that you need one.

    xo erica

  12. I'm so curious about this chair too, is there a picture of it? Hope you get some much needed rest soon!

  13. I love this look! Those pink pants are great. Also, I too want to see this chair!

    <3 Melissa

  14. Cute blog! I just love your outfit! The pants and hat are amazing!


  15. Um... you look just like Kate Middleton (the Duchess!)

  16. 1. you are gorgeous girl! 2. I totally get you on having to take a break! with one or four kids, mommas need a break every now and then. and by every now and then I mean every couple of hours. haha. 3. I would've totally let my child stand after doing that. most adorable thing ever!

    by the by, I love your blog. following now. ;)

  17. Your outfits are to die for. Seriously, that sweater? I need!


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