Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Five-Month-Old Cutie Pie Jax!

My Jaxboy is FIVE MONTHS OLD! It just keeps getting better and better every day. This smiley boy is laughing constantly, rolling over, and scooting on his back across the carpet. He is reaching out his hand to grab things, and loves to play with his daddy (and mommy), but ESPECIALLY his daddy. He is a little night owl now, and likes to stay up until midnight...sometimes even later. He is showing his little personality more and more! He is silly and we can tell he is going to be a little talker! We sure love our Jax and cannot believe he is five months old. I just love being his mommy. 

Five Months Old

Loves putting his little feet under the running water in his bath
Sucks on his bottom lip and makes the cutest face when he does it!
Has the best cheeks 
Has a pouty lower lip when he sleeps and still furrows his eyebrows
Sits up in his Bumbo
Loves to sit in his jumper...but not for long!
HATES the car. Hates it.
Put his feet in his mouth...all the time!
Is getting so brave with the nose sucker...barely cries!
Takes the best naps when he is lying on mom or dad
Loves the taste of cherry Tylenol...only cherry
Will just look at us and laugh
Is holding his head up better during tummy time
Loves sucking on apples (we have to be CAREFUL with this)
He screams now...a happy scream that is really loud!
We think he shows off in front of other babies...
Loves rice cereal, squash, and sweet potatoes
Thinks fruit is sour and tastes weird
Talks ALL the time!
Reaches for things
Loves the light-up-glittery snowman from Aunt Noreen 
Loves to play with his toy balls
Drools all the time!
Put everything in his mouth
Loves "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," "Popcorn Popping," and "I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas"
Sucks on his blankets when he falls asleep
Rolls really easily from front to back...sometimes will go from back to front

We sure love watching our little Jax grow! 


  1. SO glad you stopped bye my site and now am subscribed to yours!! Your son is SO CUTE!!! And Jax is probably the coolest name ever for a boy!!!


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